Zionism is a nationalist and political movement that supports the establishment and development of a Jewish state in the historical land of Israel, which is also referred to as “Zion” or “the Holy Land.”

The burden heavenly father has placed upon my heart is for Christians to understand that the New Covenant redefines concepts of “Israel” and the “Promised Land” in light of Jesus’ ministry and all He taught and implements.

The promises made to Israel are primarily fulfilled in Jesus Christ and His ekklesia.

I recognize the historical suffering and agony of the Jewish people and I love them, and I’m (naturally, of course) against all forms of suffering, abuse, bigotry (including anti-Semitism and abuse against those living in Israel & Palestinian communities).

I’m not a politician or political scientist, but I stand with Jesus who always advocates to not resist the one who is evil, to be peaceable and that we are not to murder nor kill anyone, not even in our thoughts and to love our enemies and do good to those who hate us, that vengeance is His and He will repay, we are not to let a root of bitterness grow up because of our enemies but rather, we seek to win them over with gentleness, deep respect, kindness, and even love. Jesus asked us to show our enemies the Lord's grace and His peace through our Spirit-controlled response...and in so doing,"heap coals of fire" upon their heads! (Romans 12) Satan wants to provoke us through our enemies hatred and opposition. We are not to let him! Instead, we are to shock our enemies not with angry retaliation..but with Spirit empowered LOVE! To win them over. The fruit of God's light is found in all that is good & right & true, Holy, pure, set apart in righteousness. We are commanded to overcome evil with God's atomic weapon of good. Yet never compromising God's truths of righteousness Holiness & His hatred against sin.

God's love is not academic nor based on fluctuating emotions of feelings and can only be understood through practical application of demonstration and having experienced it ourselves first-hand and by faith. Being completely broken by His love & forgiveness with many tears, a broken spirit & contrite heart. Praying that Heavenly father forgive us for any pseudo-piety of vocalised love be all torn aside from us but forgive & teach us all how to love & forgive as Jesus did. Our love & compassion for the lost sinner is shown in acts of tenderness, caring & help calling to repentance & turning away from sin. The one who loves much has been forgiven much.

The doctrine of Jesus' teachings to love my enemies may seem unique but are imperative especially in this ongoing conflict! It is my prayer that all Spirit born servants move in the direction of Almighty Creator God's ways and thoughts, but I also recognise that I am a fallen creature and am not completely where heavenly father wants me in my thoughts and actions all the time every second in each and every moment. I indeed have much that I can learn from others and looking to Heavenly father His word & His Spirit as the final arbiter of truth. To seek diligently and intensely commit to what is right and true in God's eyes even in the fiercest of conflicts, opposition or hatred and it is indeed my prayer and hearts desire for us all to seek God's shalom together! Men and women in the many branches of Christianity, even within denominations that do not hold to the doctrine of nonresistance, have heard Christ's call to follow Him into suffering and sometimes to death. A believer should not ignore this teaching of Christ or suppose it applicable only to certain groups or times in Christian history. Instead, one should consider the scriptural and historical evidence and decide what Christ calls His followers to do. Many Christians want to save the lives of babies from being murdered yet they will endorse and accept to murder and kill them as adults in cases of war etc. This makes no sense at all?

As Heavenly father's servants in Jesus Yeshua dwelling upon this earthly realm we are commanded to have allegiance to Him as our King and of God's kingdom, and as far as it depends upon me to be peaceable with all and seek peaceful resolution to all conflict that acknowledges and holds concerns of all humans, for all people are made in God’s image.

But of course my allegiance – and supreme interest — is to Heavenly father, Jesus Christ and His body, so that means I’m loyal to God’s people in Christ who are part of Israel, part of Palestine, and part of all other countries.

For example a Chinese man who lives in China who knows and follows Jesus Christ is indwelt with Him, Spirit born and does heavenly fathers will is my brother. A woman who lives in Iran who follows Christ is my sister. While a fellow English man or American etc who doesn’t know or follow Jesus Christ, nor does the father in heaven's will is not my brother.

It’s divine life of being born of the Spirit having been reconciled to the father through Yeshua= Yah is salvation Jesus recognising and saying He is whom He says He is the word and God made flesh the express image of the invisible God made visible, the only way to the father, the only way, truth and the life, the Saviour and only way of salvation, that there is no salvation in any other, there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved, we must be indwelt by Him renewed regenerated dead to self, deny self and pick up our cross daily and follows the Lamb wherever he goes, doing the will of the father and living out all that is asked of us in loving obedience empowered and enabled by the living God in Christ Jesus in us & that makes a person a brother or sister in Christ, not their nationality or race. So my loyalty is to Yeshua Ha masshiach Jesus as Christ and His people, no matter their race or nation or tribe.

When it comes to the Jewish people, Paul says that the Gentiles who know Jesus should provoke the unbelieving Jews to jealousy (Romans 11).

My question is this: Is that happening? Does your life as a follower of Jesus make a Jewish person jealous of your relationship & holy intimacy with God?

That’s a question that I find more important (and more interesting) than the blood-letting debates over varying opinions on Zionism.

If “all Israel will be saved” (Romans 11), it’s going to be because the body of Christ is making Jews who are outside of Christ jealous. It’s going to be because of a spiritual insurgence. And quite frankly, the masses of the broad way of the majority of Christians are still clueless when it comes to the gospel of the kingdom, and Jesus' truths on all these matters.

God’s kingdom transcends nations and geo-politics.

Once a person fully understands the true kingdom message, their views begin to transcend the various sides of political debates that create so much carnage today. Just like Jesus transcended the politics of His day, neither siding with the Pharisees (the Right) or the Sadducees (the Left). Interstingly the New Jerusalem comes down out of heaven it's not from this earth, and Jeru-salem means those who enter into peace.

And He shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore. Isaiah 2:4

Micah 4:3

3 He shall judge between many peoples,

and shall decide disputes for strong nations far away;

and they shall pbeat their swords into plowshares,

and their spears into pruning hooks;

nation shall not lift up sword against nation,

neither shall they learn war anymore;

To those Spirit born under Jesus as King of Kings and Lord of Lords of God's heavenly kingdom, the Lion of the tribe of Judah and the wrath of the Lamb who judges and makes war. One of the fruits of the Holy Spirit brought forth is actually peace in His servants. Galatians 5:22-23

It is God Himself whom wages war. And from His mouth proceeds a sharp sword

with which to strike down the nations, and He will rule them with an iron scepter. He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God the Almighty whom treads the winepress of the grapes of his wrath. (Rev 19:11-21; Rev 21:1-27 compare with Ezekiel and Zechariah)

And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever. Daniel 2:44

Jesus came at issues from a completely different revolutionary and radical perspective than that of fallible sin filled humans, a perspective that didn’t fit neatly into any political categories. This is one of the things that made His contemporaries furious with Him.

He’s the same today, and so are those who have His mind and follow in His steps.

Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him Acts10:34

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This comes dangerously close to "replacement theology," which I do not agree with. The Jewish people have a veil over their eyes, keeping them away from the Gospel. The covenants and promises made to them are still, and will always be, valid. They will come to Messiah, but until then God will be faithful to all the promises he has made to them.

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Thank you sister for your comment. I just pray for Heavenly fathers truths and His Holy Spirit to continue to lead and guide me into ALL truth and to prevail over all. Unless anyone puts their faith in Jesus his sacrificial crucified life death burial resurrection then ascension back to heaven sitting at the right hand of the father all power and authority has been given to Jesus in heaven and earth and unless Yeshua Jesus is accepted as their only way to salvation and only way to the father they will NOT and CANNOT be saved nor be born in and of the Spirit to enter Gods kingdom of heaven. We thank the Hebrew the Isrealites the Jewish faithful and Jesus himself came from the tribe of Judah yet He came down from heaven.

That's what Jesus Himself said and taught. (All four Gospels and entire bible) Wether one is Jewish or not. The book of Esther is really helpful too in understanding from a spiritual point of view the king ( Jesus is the King of Kings) putting away his previous covenant wife Vashti because of her rebellion & disobedience then looking for another wife the new covenant bride (Esther hidden/star/Myrtle tree) who loves and does all that the King asks of her in love, subjecting surrendering and submiting to Him in everything. Of course Heavenly father has mercy unto the Jewish people and some as I write this are accepting Jesus Yeshua of the gospels as their only way of salvation. But that is the ONLY way they can ever be redeemed just like anyone else. No one is able to be redeemed any other way without the blood of the precious Lamb Jesus.

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We are ALL Isreal we become all Isreal. Romans 11. My heritage is from the Hebrew Levitical priesthood tribe. There is no distinction any more under Yeshua. Galatians 3: 26 For ye are all sons of God, through the faith, in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ did put on Christ.

28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is no male and female; for ye all are one man in Christ Jesus.

29 And if ye are Christ’s, then are ye ·Abraham’s seed, heirs according to promise.

4:1 But I say that so long time as the heir is a babe, he differeth nothing from a bondman, though lord of all; 2 but is under guardians and stewards until the father’s appointed day. 3 So we also, when we were babes, were in bondage under the rudiments of the world: 4 but when the fulness of the time came, ·God sent forth his ·Son, born of woman, born under law, 5 that he might redeem those under law, that we might receive the adoption of sons. 6 And because ye are sons, ·God sent forth the Spirit of his ·Son into our ·hearts, crying, Abba, the Father. 7 So that thou art no longer bondman, but son; and if son, then heir through God.......

22For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, one by the maid, and one by the freewoman.

23 But he of the maid is born after the flesh; and he of the freewoman, through promise.

24 Which things contain an allegory: for these are two covenants: the one from mount Sinai, bearing unto bondage, which is Hagar.

25 Now this, Hagar, is mount Sinai in ·Arabia, and answereth to the Jerusalem that now is: for she is in bondage with her ·children.

26 But the Jerusalem above is free, which is our mother,

27 For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; Break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: For more are the children of the desolate than of her that hath the husband.

28 Now we, brethren, are as Isaac children of promise.

29 But just as then who was born after the flesh persecuted the one after the Spirit, so also now. 30 But what saith the scripture? Cast out the maid and her ·son: for the son of the maid shall not inherit with the son of the freewoman.

31 Wherefore, brethren, we are not a maid’s children, but the freewoman’s.

(Revelation 7 & 14)

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Yes. But that wasn't my point. I'm not referring to salvation. "Replacement theology" states that the Jewish people's rebellion caused God to draw away from them and give the promises made to them - to the church. The promises he made to Israel will be fulfilled for Israel.

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Ephesians 2: 13But now in Christ Jesus ye that once were far off are become nigh in the blood of the Christ.🩸

🪔14 For HE is our ·peace, who made ·both one, and brake down the middle wall of the partition,

15 having abolished in his ·flesh the enmity, the law of the commandments contained in ordinances; that he might create in himself of the two one new man, making peace;🪔

🩸16 and might reconcile ·both in one body to ·God through the cross, having slain the enmity thereby: 17 and he came and preached peace to you the far off, and peace to the nigh: 18 because through him we ·both have the access in one Spirit unto the Father. 19 So then ye are no more strangers and sojourners, but are fellow-citizens with the saints, and of ·God’s household,🩸

20 being built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being chief corner stone; 21 in whom every building, fitly framed together, groweth into a holy temple in the Lord; 22 in whom ye also are builded together into a habitation of God in Spirit.

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